
A selection of projects I have worked on.

Sustainable DH. Documentation, resources, and reflections on sustaining digital humanities work, grounded in efforts to maintain and preserve three decades of work from the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media.

Hearing the Americas. A multimedia public humanities project on the transnational origins of early recorded music in the United States.

Death by Numbers. A quantitative analysis of the London Bills of Mortality, transcribing and publishing the information in the bills in open-source datasets.

DataScribe. A structured data transcription module for Omeka S.

Consolation Prize. A podcast about the history of the United States in the world through the lens of the lives and actions of U.S. consuls.

Creating Local Linkages. An online curriculum and in-person workshops to train public librarians how to create local digital history projects.

Doing Digital Scholarship. A series of introductory lessons to digital humanities scholarship for Social Science Research Council fellows.

Histories of the National Mall and the accompanying Guide. A mobile optimized website interpreting the rich past of the National Mall. Winner of the Outstanding Public History Project Award from the National Council on Public History in 2014.

Papers of the War Department, 1784 to 1800. An open-access digital documentary edition of papers relating to the early history of the War Department, with community-sourced transcriptions.