James Maury's Virginia

This map shows the locations of James Maury's family and business associates in Virginia. Red points are family, blue points are business associates. Fredericksburg has both a blue and a red point, as it was the home of his brother and business partner Fontaine as well as other family members and businessmen.

Eventually, I might try using TimeMap to track the movement of Maury family members through Virginia. One of James' brothers seems to have moved around, working as a hired laborer or farm manager. All four of the consul's sons came to Virginia, moving about as the tried to find their fortunes. It would be helpful to understand the relationship between certain branches of the Maury family and Virginian cities or counties. I might then have a better idea of which Reuben Maury in Charlottesville received so many letters.

I had intended to use The tourist's pocket map of the state of Virginia (1836) as a historic overlay, but the New York Public Library's MapWarper is having some problems with exporting png files.

The layering of maps and points made by following a tutorial by Laura O'Hara. See Google Maps JavaScript API v3 for additional documentation.